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🟪🟧🟩🟥 Code Deck is a cross platform and open source alternative to the official Stream Deck application.


The Weather plugin contains a collection of tiles for displaying weather data.


This tile uses the weather API to show an image that describes the upcoming weather.


The tile can be configured to show an image that describes the weather in the next 1, 6 or 12 hours.


Setting Default Description
Interval 600 000 ms Update interval. Default is 10 minutes (10 * 60 * 1000).
Lat 0 The latitude of the location to fetch weather data for.
Lon 0 The longitude of the location to fetch weather data for.
Period null The period of the weather summary.

Example Config

  "Plugin": "Weather",
  "Tile": "YrImageTile",
  "Text": "Next Hour",
  "FontSize": 14,
  "TextOffsetY": 20,
  "TextColor": "#ffffff",
  "ImagePadding": 7,
  "ImageOffsetX": 0,
  "ImageOffsetY": -8,
  "Settings": {
    "Lat": "59,1484",
    "Lon": "5,2611",
    "Period": "Next1Hours"


The time between requesting an update from the Weather API. The interval must be set to a reasonable value.

Lat / Lon

The location to fetch weather data for.


The period of the weather summary. This is based on the available data provided by the API.

Possible values are: