
⚡🔌💻 DIY electronics and code to read data from my KAIFA MA105H2E AMS smart meter.

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DIY electronics and code to read data from my KAIFA MA105H2E electricity meter.


This library aims to read and decode all packet types from the Norwegian M-Bus smart electricity meters. The screenshot below shows a test application outputting data from the various packet types. Not all packet types have been implemented yet.


Simple Circuit Diagram - Arduino Analog Input -> TTL

This circuit uses a simple voltage divider and an Arduino to convert the resulting 2.2V-3.3V signal to a 5V TTL signal.

Arduino Sketch


Threshold value needs to be tuned based on the voltage divider. Write val to serial to find the min and max value and choose a fitting threshold.

void setup()
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);

int val = 0;

void loop()
  val = analogRead(0);
  digitalWrite(12, val > 400);